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Bookkeeping Services

Stressed out with the paperwork?

We have dedicated bookkeepers that we can introduce you to or we can assist you with all your bookkeeping needs as part of our overall service. No jobs are too big or too small from simple record keeping to management accounts.

As with all our services, your business is unique and so our bookkeeping service is tailored to your individual needs. We can organise the work at your premises using your computers, or if you wish we can prepare everything at our office. This service can be provided at regular intervals to suit your requirements.

We have recently teamed up with our software provider IRIS to offer Iris OpenBooks as an online bookkeeping service for our clients. This will allow you to manage your day to day bookkeeping online wherever you are. The software also allows us to remotely access your records enabling us to offer you practical hands on support.

Our team has experience of all the major accounting software packages and can help you setup, maintain and train staff in using the software, including Sage Instant and Line 50, TAS and Quick Books.

Our fees are based on the level of service required so for further information on Southgates bookkeeping service and to receive a quotation please contact us.

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