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Business Tax

We have what it takes to take what you have

For most people in business, minimising the tax bill is the underlying reason for using an accountant. However, with the recent shift in emphasis by HMRC of increasing the compliance burden, the risk of financial penalties if you get it wrong can sometimes be more than the tax payable.

We have a wealth of tax knowledge within the Southgates team and have access to some of the UK’s leading tax consultants.

Our team, along with the most up to date software, can take away the worry and ensure you and your business stay compliant with HMRC and ensure you know how much to pay and when.

More importantly, our Business Tax Service is centered around ensuring we minimise your tax bill overall and advise you on any practical (and legal) tax planning opportunities available to you and your business.

Our Business Tax Services includes:

  • Completion and submission of your Self Assessement Tax Return
  • Completion and submission of your company’s Corporation Tax Return
  • Corporate and personal tax planning
  • Payroll and VAT services
  • Dealing with any HMRC enquiries

Many of these services come hand in hand with our accountancy services and our charges for the taxation work will often be included in our Accountancy Services fees. Occasionally, for such as HMRC enquiries, we may charge separately and our fees are based on the level of service and support required so for further information on Southgates Business Tax Service and to benefit from a free initial meeting please contact us.

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Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation or a fixed quote.

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