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Management Accounts

If you measure it, you can manage it!

We see too many small and medium size businesses that view accounts as a requirement rather than a useful management tool. It is when these annual accounts are completed that the true picture of the financial position of the business is known and it may be too late to remedy any problems. However, with our management accounts service the financial information is supplied on a more regular basis so that those remedies can be put in place. These figures can be used to help develop the correct growth strategies, make more informed business decisions and ultimately improve profitability.

Budgets and cash flow forecasts are also vital tools for businesses and often most important when seeking financing for new projects. We will help prepare these using realistic information to help management plan for the future of their business.

Our service can include reports which can make a difference to a business such as the following:

  • Quarterly/Monthly Accounts
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Budgeting
  • Pricing
  • Stock Control

Our fees are based on the level of service and support required so for further information on Southgates Management Accounts service and to benefit from a free initial meeting please contact us.

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