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Business Start ups

How can entrepreneurs overcome loneliness and self doubt?

Setting up in business can be an exciting time. You have big ideas as to what you are going to do and how you can make it successful. It can also be a daunting prospect and potentially costly if you get it wrong.

We can advise you on your business ideas, help you prepare your business plan and guide you on the best structure for your new business, whether it be as a Sole trader, Partnership or Limited company.

We can guide you and your business through these early stages as well as helping with the more mundane tasks of completing the necessary forms to keep you compliant with legislation. We try to make the exciting transition into business as stress free as possible to help you make your new venture a success.

As part of our service we will guide you on Bookkeeping, Payroll and VAT as well as dealing with registering with HMRC for Self Assessment or Business Tax.

We also assist new businesses in seeking funding for their new ventures through our association with BP Sirius.

Our fees are based on the level of service and support required but we appreciate you may need most support when you can least afford it, so for further information on Southgates Start Up service and to benefit from a free initial meeting please contact us.

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